Hell`s Gate

What is the hell`s Gate?

The hell`s gate also known as "Darvaza gas crater" located near the village of  "Derweze" also known as "Darwaza",in the middle of "Karakum Desert" about 260 killometers north of "Ashgabat",capital og "Turkmenistan".The diameter of the hole is about (70meters),width is about (60 meters),and depth is about (20 meters). Door to hell is the place where Geologists and scientists of 1971 find out excess amount of methane gas.The site was first discovered by  "Soviet Engineers".They thought it will be very useful as Methane is used as fuel in industries.So they made up their mind to dug up and collect all the gas by using big containers and pipes.They were so sure about it that it will be more than enough for them.They bring the heavy machinery for the dugging a hole and get the methane out.But they absolutely un awared of the result.They start dugging and when they dug a big wide hole then they realize what they had freed.But the scientists and geologists were also not that sure ow much quantity of methane was there in that hole.So they leave it for some days and then realize it start effecting the city.Then a team of scientists and geologists sit down on this issue and they decided to set that hole of methane on fire so that the whole methane burn out instead of effecting the whole city.The idea was considered as the best and the process of firing begains.But the scientists were also anxious about the already spread methane so they set the fire and thought that it will be burn in a few weeks but the fire remains for about 40 decades.

Does it effect the future development of gas?

According to the measures and limits taken from the scientists it was clear that this will no effect the production of other gas.As on president "Berdimuhamedow`s" visit to the site in April 2010,he recommends that measures be taken to limit the crater`s influence on the developments of other natural gas fields in that area.At that time the country announced plans to increase the production of the natural gas,intending to increase export of gas to many countries such as "Pakistan,China,India,Iran,Russia and Western Europe,from its then yearly production level of gas to a new level of 225 billion cubic meters by 2030.

Why the site did not get closed?

In April 2010 when the "Turkmenistan" visited the site he told his team to take measures and limits of that site and decided to close the site.But after 2 years when the scientists were observing the site it was declared that the site is safe and it was declared that the part of "Karakuram Desert"with the crater is a natural reserve.The crater was also featured in an episode pf the short-lived National Geographic Channel series of  "Dying Trying".
In the July16,2014 episodes "Crater on fire",explorer "Goerge Kourounis" became the first person to set his foot at the bottom of the crater and gather samples of "Extromophiles"  micro organisms.

According to George Kourounis:-
"It's hard to understand how difficult it was," Kourounis said. "When you stand at the edge the heat is unbelievable. And when I first saw it with my own eyes, I stood there and I didn't know if it was going to be physically possible to do this."

